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Resilience & Renewal: faith in the HIV response

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As individuals, faith and spiritual leaders, representatives of communities and organizations of diverse faith traditions, we believe that the respect of human dignity and the value of human life is fundamental to each of our religions.


We share:

  • a belief in the inherent value and worth of all human beings;

  • a conviction that each person is a powerful agent of change, reflects the Divine, and must be treated with dignity and respect;

  • a commitment to relieve human suffering;

  • a responsibility to reach out and respond to people who experience marginalization and to protect people who are vulnerable.


We believe that these values constitute the foundation for equitable and effective public health systems, for the provision of HIV services as well as services for all other diseases, such as COVID-19, TB, and malaria (including in emergency situations).


Our Commitments to Action

Compelled by our shared values and inspired by the stories of Resilience & Renewal shared at the HIV Interfaith Conference Resilience & Renewal: faith in the HIV response, which took place virtually on 22, 23 and 24 September 2020, and by the recommendations made by the many participants from different countries around the world; and keen to promote the central role of positive faith in action to end AIDS as a public health threat, we commit to urgently take significant and sustained actions in the following areas during the next ten years:


  1. Increase Access to HIV Commitments to Action, Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support;

  2. Promote the Human Rights and Dignity of All People;

  3. Address HIV Stigma and Discrimination; 

  4. Build Bridges of Collaboration among Different Faiths as well as between Faith and non-faith actors


As unique individuals and organizations, we each commit to using our gifts and strengths to ensure a focused and holistic faith response to HIV:


☐       I/We commit to exercise stronger, more visible, and practical leadership in the response to HIV, by:

  • Endorsing the "Commitments to Action" for individuals, faith-spiritual leaders and organizations -

    • Signing up to its commitments and following through with actions

    • Sharing the Commitments to Action with faith leaders and motivating them to take the actions required

    • Amplifying the voice of faith leaders in our circles of influence and on social media.


  • Committing to “The 10 Million Campaign” which aims at promoting access to services to the 13 million children, women and men living with HIV who are not yet on antiretroviral treatment, by:

    • Endorsing the campaign and encouraging members of my faith community to sign and support it

    • Supporting the identification of and collaborating with Faith/Spiritual Champions on HIV in my country and at global level:  The 10 Million Campaign will involve at least 12 faith leaders in each of the world’s countries to be strong and coordinated voices for the rights and dignity of all

    • Mobilizing action to help the 12 million people - children, women and men – who are living with HIV and are not yet on optimal lifesaving antiretrovirals – to have access to such treatments, remain on treatment, and have their viral load suppressed.


At the end of the fourth decade of the HIV epidemic, and in the face of many challenges posed by COVID-19, we call on each one of us and on world leaders to urgently act and recommit to support access to prevention information and services to all; to ensure that 95% of all people and children living with HIV know their status; that the 95% of all those who know they are HIV-positive, have access to optimal antiretrovirals; and that 95% of those on treatment have a suppressed viral load. We believe that achieving these targets require strong and active participation by people of faith, religious communities and other faith-based organizations.


As people of faith, we commit to do our part to help achieve the 95 – 95 – 95 targets and we invite others to join us.

Please fill out the following form to commit to do your part to help achieve the 95 – 95 – 95 targets.
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